Daniel Correia

Ownership and Borrowing in Rust


The Book1 states the following as the three rules of ownership in Rust:

  1. Each value in Rust has an owner.
  2. There can only be one owner at a time.
  3. When the owner goes out of scope, the value will be dropped.

Going out of scope essentially means coming to the end of the trailing curly brace ‘}’ of the one in which a value was introduced in.

    let s = "hi";
} // Goes out of scope here

To prevent double ownership, Rust introduces the concept of a move that invalidates ownership if it is referenced by another. Moving a variable essentially makes a shallow copy of the data whilst invalidating the original.

A secondary way of preventing multiple ownership is to copy data:


A value in Rust is borrowed through referencing, a special type of pointer that can refer to the underlying data of a value without taking ownership.

Rust has mutable and immutable references to indicate if the underlying borrowed data can be mutated or not:

Slices are essentially references that let you refer to a range of data. Slices are essentially pointers storing and index and a length. Being a type of reference they too do not take ownership

Interesting aside: string literals let s: &str = "hi"; are slices of the binary, pointing to an index in the binary with an associated length.
